Little lists

7:18:00 PM Valencia Ng 0 Comments

Untuk pertama kalinya gw bener-bener serius nulis resolusi. Mencoba untuk nulis se spesifik mungkin, tapi juga fleksibel untuk kemungkinan baru di luar rencana gw. Setelah berhari-hari stuck dengan journal gw yang ga keisi-isi, akhirnya gw mencoba untuk buka laptop gw dan mencoba nulis

Hasilnya........cukup gila

Gw berhasil nulis hampir 70 resolusi. Berbeda dengan taun lalu dimana gw sama sekali ga kebayang mau "wish" apa, taun ini gw mau banyak (mungkin terlalu banyak?) hahahhaha. But that's okay. Temen - temen gw sangat tidak excited dengan taun baru ini. Tapi gw tetep nyoba nulis. Dengan gw nulis, setidaknya gw tau apa yang gw mau. Dengan gw nulis, biarpun ga sempet dilakuin pun bisa dilakuin taun depannya. Dengan gw nulis, kalo gw ga sampe ke "bintang" pun, gw masih mendarat di awan. Setidaknya gw nyoba kan? :) 

Ini pernah gw buktiin liburan kemaren. Gw merasa ga produktif, tapi pas ngeliat ini gw, jujur aja, amazed..... Sejak 2011 gw bikin "things I wanna do this summer" yang isinya random keywords yang pengen gw lakuin selama liburan. List yang makin lama makin panjang aja isinya. List nya sengaja gw tulis pendek2 biar bisa gw improvisasi seluas-luasnya dan lakuin sekreatif mungkin dan baru bakal gw coret kalo gw sudah merasa puas. Hahahahah.  Ga semuanya gw berhasil lakuin, tapi dengan list ini gw melakukan jauh lebih banyak daripada tanpa list apapun. Yang ga selesai pun, gw coba dengan lakuin setelah liburan dan ternyata makin banyak yang bisa gw coret. 

Ini list cukup panjang dan gw ga yakin lu bakal baca ampe abis. Hahahha. Tapi serius, ini seru. Serunya adalah ketika lu ngabisin seharian di kamar lu, sendirian nulisin ini satu per satu. Serunya pas ada yang ngeliat ini dan bilang gw ga mungkin bisa menuhin semua, tapi ternyata gw bisa. Serunya adalah ketika gw bisa bela belain ngelakuin sesuatu buat stabiloin list ini. Serunya adalah ketika gw jadi spend lebih banyak waktu ama temen - temen gw, keluarga gw, dan diri gw sendiri untuk ngelakuin sesuatu yang gw mau. Serunya adalah ketika momen gw jadi lebih bermakna karena gw mencoba untuk nyoret banyak list dalam satu occasion. Serunya adalah ketika orang lain bersedia buat bantuin gw menuhin list gw ini. Bahkan keponakan gw yang cowok aja yang udah smp, by the way, relain satu harian buat nyelesain list sebanyak - banyaknya. Dia ampe bilang : "ayo ie, mana lagi yang bisa dilakuin?" :) 

And here it is, the list of all the things I've done since June 1st : 

- Go to beach
- Long walks
- Classic novels
- Something sweet
- Pizza
- Sunset
- Sleep > 14 hours
- Harvest moon
- New recipe
- Midnight chat
- Nation library for hours
- Shihlin
- Monas
- City park
- New photo compilation
- Editing stuffs
- Playing kites
- Cotton candy
- Jar of sands or stuffs
- Movie marathon
- Amusement park
- Meet new people
- Home alone
- Walk in the rain
- Eat at a new place
- Something new to buy
- Shopping
- Road trip
- Doodles
- Caramel McFlurry
- Buy a new book
- Hair treatment
- Daydreaming
- Mall all alone
- Watch new movie
- All day long watching tv
- Watching new cartoon movie
- Fireworks
- Swim
- Finger paint
- Water fight
- Milkshake/fruit punch
- Origami
- Photobooth
- Make a video/movie
- Bingo 100
- Tic tac toe
- Karaoke
- Dough / clay
- Lippo
- Art project
- Watercolor painting
- Breakfast for dinner
- Homemade pasta
- Handprint art
- Nail art
- Cut hair
- Gas balloons
- Paper boat
- Swings
- Birthday party
- Popcorn 
- Rainbow cake/ Red velvet
- Macaroons
- Marshmallow
- Air plane
- Lollipop
- Lemonade
- Mural/ paint a wall
- Scream out loud
- Puzzle/ board games
- Museum
- Coffee shop
- Visit a friend
- Stars
- Watching clouds
- Girl magazine
- New journal
- Jelly
- Seafood
- Random post
- TV Series Marathon
- Lost
- New makeup tool
- Sleepwear all day long
- Nice hairdo
- Letting go
- Throw old stuffa
- Lasagna
- Dinner for breakfast
- A poem
- Cream soup
- Random call
- Pancasila 5 dasar
- Monopoly
- Family gathering
- Photo challenge
- Blog challenge
- Art exploration
- Re-decorate
- Unique book/ unusual
- Paper cranes
- Seek quotes
- Inspiration Board
- Learn new rhing
- Say hello to stranger
- Mango ice cream
- Fro Yo
- Steak
- Sushi
- D.I.Y
- New smell
- Public transportation
- Explore Jakarta
- Ragusa
- Night view
- Be honest
- Not complaining at all 1 day
- Vintage stuff / thing / place
- Blog walking
- Polaroid wall
- New shoes
- Organize
- New community
- Embrace culture
- Doing nothing
- Art show
- Any kind of expo / fair
- Buy something at ace/ikea/daiso
- Sunrise
- Glitter
- Sketch book
- History research
- Discuss ideas
- Disney
- Accept
- Celebrate anything
- Galaxy


Tell me anything

Before we close this chapter...

4:51:00 AM Valencia Ng 0 Comments

It's still hard to believe that 2013 is almost over. Geez. Time flies way too fast. It feels like yesterday when my friends and i went to Bandung for new year's eve. And now here I am, writing to nobody but me - the future me to be exact - trying to summarize this year in one post

So here we go again....

2013 is pretty great, but a rough year for me.

Diawali dengan tahun baruan di rumah orang, di luar kota, mati lampu, mati air, hujan deras, dan pas jam 12 - hampir semua orang udah tidur kecuali gw. Tapi biar pun begitu, bisa dibilang awal - awal 2013 itu gw berada di comfort zone. Dapet team super enak di posisi yang juga enak. Akhirnya punya "power" yang cukup untuk merealisasikan ide ide yang selama ini gw simpen. Terus akhirnya gw mulai "mudeng" ama pelajaran2 di sekolah. Pretty good lah. Plus I met this one man who's such a sweetheart. It all started great. 

Tapi itu ga lama. Breakdown pertama adalah ketika gw tau gw ga dikasih kuliah di luar. Untuk pertama kalinya rasanya nyesek ngeliat orang lain bisa ngegapai mimpinya dan gw harus terima. Next time, uas dan uan. Gw lulus dengan nilai yang cukup. Cukup untuk bikin bangga kedua orangtua gw. 

Dan tibalah libur panjang itu. Dimana sebelumnya udah gw tunggu tunggu dari zaman uan, akhirnya dateng juga. Gw bikin 100an list untuk gw lakuin selama summer. Dari dulu pun gw udah ada segudang rencana untuk dilakuin. Tapi mau tau jadinya apa? Gw kehilangan diri gw sendiri. Untuk pertama kalinya gw bener - bener kehilangan ambisi, motivasi, determinasi buat ngapa-ngapain. Gw kehilangan mimpi. Gw berubah dari "idealis" jadi "bitter realist". Bisa dibilang ini breakdown paling parah seumur hidup gw. I'm not that unhappy though, just......numb. Gw memutuskan banyak hal dari dunia luar. Friends, community, him, Him.....

But probably the hardest thing i've experienced this year is when I lost Mama. I lost my godmother earlier this year because of cancer. Mama udah mengidap kanker 5 tahun. Nyokap gw mungkin dah feeling atau apa, berhasil bikin 2 celebrations pas summer buat ngerayain anniversary mama dan kelulusan gw, plus bikin surprise party di rumah sakit. Dan pas 2 minggu sebelum gw masuk kuliah, nyokap nyuruh gw untuk nemenin mama full satu minggu di rumah sakit. Sekitar 8 - 9 jam tiap hari. To be honest, I don't like hospitals. Tapi untuk pertama kalinya, gw mengiyakan. Tiap hari dengan ipad, ato sketch book, ato buku gw stay disana. Nemenin. Ngobrol. Tentang apa aja. Tentang masa kecil gw. Tentang kisah cinta dia. Tentang apa aja. Mama meninggal hari Jumat, waktu itu gw baru 3 minggu kuliah. Dan waktu itu pas gw pulang. I was there when she exhaled her last breath. Gw ada pas dia mulai sesek napas, pas dia kasih kata kata terakhirnya buat gw, pas dokter lari lari di lorong, pas ngeliat emergency light dan suara panik di lorong, pas dadanya dipompa. Pas tanda di mesin akhirnya cuma nunjukin satu garis......

2013 is not that bad, actually. Gw ketemu banyak temen baru, gw menyadari siapa sahabat gw sebenernya, gw dapet NEM dan ip yang bagus. Gw dapet banyak pengalaman baru

 but one thing I know for sure : I've learned a lot this year. 

Gw belajar kalo manusia bisa berubah. Gw belajar kalo hidup itu jalan terus. Ada ato gaada gw, orang pasti akan move on dari ketiadaan gw. Gw belajar kalo gw gaakan pernah cukup baik buat beberapa orang dan itu bukan alasan buat gw berenti berusaha. Gw belajar kalo rencana itu ga cukup. 

Gw belajar untuk ninggalin zona nyaman gw. Gw belajar untuk jalan setidaknya 1 kilo untuk pulang ke rumah, ngatur budget sendiri, belajar ngehemat. Gw belajar untuk bedain supermarket mana yang lebih bagus jual daging dan mana yang lebih bagus jual sayuran. Gw belajar untuk masak untuk makanan gw 3 x sehari. Gw belajar untuk tau hari apa sayur dan roti paling fresh dan mana yang enggak.

Gw belajar kalo gw bisa belajar. Gw belajar banyak dalam aspek design, terutama sekarang belajar langsung dari dosen - dosen gw. Gw belajar kalo cita cita gw sebagai graphic designer itu ga cukup. Gw mau lebih. Gw butuh lebih. 

Gw belajar kalo gw akan kehilangan orang - orang. Mungkin karena orang itu pengen ngejar mimpinya. Mungkin karena orang itu sudah selesai tugasnya di dunia ini. Dan gw harus belajar ngerelain. Ngerelain orang - orang itu. Ngerelain mimpi - mimpi gw. Ngerelain yang udah lewat.

Gw belajar kalo gw harus ngerelain untuk bisa nerima yang akan datang. Yang lebih baik. Yang terbaik. I'm going to create my own reality, because I deserve to be happy. 

There are things I wouldn't write because it's too personal but to summarize 2013 in one sentence :
2013 is like a big slap on my face.

And it's time to wake up. 
It's time for another exciting chapter

I've learned a lot this year. But I've learned that I still have a lot to learn. 
2014 is going to be better. No matter how hard it will be. This year too shall pass.

It's time to move on, 2013. Thanks for everything.

2014, I am ready.


Tell me anything


1:38:00 PM Valencia Ng 0 Comments

I hope that the days come easy and the moments pass slow,
And each road leads you where you want to go,
And if you're faced with a choice, and you have to choose,
I hope you choose the one that means the most to you.
And if one door opens to another door closed,
I hope you keep on walkin' till you find the window,
If it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile,

But more than anything, more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.

I hope you never look back, but ya never forget,
All the ones who love you, in the place you left,
I hope you always forgive, and you never regret,
And you help somebody every chance you get,
Oh, you find God's grace, in every mistake,
And you always give more than you take.

But more than anything, yeah, and more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.

- Rascall Flatts

I remember that night when we were alone you asked me about my wish for the year to come. I was speechless. But, this is my wish. I'm glad you're finally there, to the place where you exactly belong and not here with me. I'm glad you're happier now, more than you've ever been. And i'm glad that you're slowly reaching your dreams, like you've promised me. So.... yeah, this is my wish. 


Tell me anything

8:37:00 PM Valencia Ng 0 Comments

Well it's too late for you and your white come around :)


Tell me anything

Let's see.

4:14:00 PM Valencia Ng 0 Comments


Tell me anything

Because even though people change, memories don't.

10:09:00 PM Valencia Ng 0 Comments


Tell me anything

3 months.

11:41:00 PM Valencia Ng 0 Comments


Tell me anything

I lose myself again this time.

2:02:00 PM Valencia Ng 0 Comments


Tell me anything

12.12.12. 11.59. 1. 12. 52. 365.

11:54:00 PM Valencia Ng 0 Comments


Tell me anything

Whichever way you go, I'll be easy to find

11:53:00 PM Valencia Ng 0 Comments


Tell me anything


11:44:00 PM Valencia Ng 2 Comments

I wait a while to realize
Seasons change when days go by
But you, nothing changes you
- Places I'll Never Be, Adhitia Sofyan


Tell me anything


11:43:00 PM Valencia Ng 0 Comments


Tell me anything

Strangers, again

5:51:00 AM Valencia Ng 0 Comments


Tell me anything


1:17:00 AM Valencia Ng 0 Comments

"You see, people are trying
To find their way back home
So I'll you"
- Blue Sky Collapse


Tell me anything

The unwritten ever-after

2:37:00 AM Valencia Ng 0 Comments

This story didn't begin with "once upon a time",
It all started from "The End"
And here it goes

Never thought that someone would whisper quietly, "that's her" when he saw me from the distance
But someone did. 
That kind of someone who saw the real you, without makeup or anything - told you that you were pretty when you looked like a mess - someone who finally accepted your flaws
Someone who is known as a gentleman to many, but in front of you, he was just a silly man - with silly jokes and all. With his old t-shirt on and a long conversation late at night about dreams - your dreams and ambitions, and of course.... about life. 
Someone who actually stayed up late just to talk to you
Someone who knew your insecurities, who knew the way you talk and laugh, the way you slept near his arms, the way your eyes would shine when you told him your favorite fairytale

Someone who actually made you believe in fairytale again. 

Past the midnight, he showed up and he saw the real you
With one shoe in his hands
One shoe as a proof your love was in a rush
He offered that glass shoe, 
That kind of happy ending every little girl could have ever dreamed of
But the shoes didn't fit
It didn't feel right
Facing that ugly truth
The truth that perfect prince is not perfectly made for you

And all good things come to an end.
You both know it's not going to work out
No matter how perfect it was. No matter how perfect it is. 
With no happy ending. What kind of love ends happily?
But it's an ending, for sure. 
Closing that  chapter, and keep another chapters untold
But I let some stories alive
To remind me, sometimes
Sometimes love knocks at your door, 
But sometimes love does happen at unexpected places and time
With unexpected person. 
Sometimes when people grow, they grow apart
Sometimes people are meant to fall in love together but not to be together

To remind me, even if I have to close this chapter, even if it ends really bad, 
there's still a new page
A blank new page to start. 

And maybe, just maybe
Maybe happy endings are overrated
Maybe your perfect prince will never come
But maybe an imperfect person will come
Someone who will come eventually to hold that pen and ink with you
Who will write those blank pages with you
And maybe it's not going to be happily ever after
Maybe you will fight with that person, sometimes. Argue over stupid little things
But together you'll create your one-of-a-kind story
the untold, unexpected, unwritten.... fairytale

Maybe, once upon another time.


Tell me anything

Will you.

11:49:00 PM Valencia Ng 0 Comments


Tell me anything